To recruit partners, programs, and private sector organizations committed to providing affordable opportunities for training, development of marketable skills, and career pathways that prioritize inclusion, diversity and outreach to non-traditional employment pools.

Education is one of the most reliable predictors of health outcomes because it is the single most statistically substantiated link to financial stability. Please join the CPN as we begin 2021 working to make education a priority in Wake County, in our State, and most of all in our Legislature! Investment in the education of our youth will break the generational cycle of poverty faster and more completely than any other budgetary line item!

The Connection

Data compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor for Earnings by Educational Attainment

Educational Attainment

Median Usual Weekly Earnings

Doctoral degree


Professional degree


Master's degree


Bachelor's degree


Associate degree


Some college, no degree


High school graduates, no college


Less than a high school diploma



Note: Data are for persons age 25 and over. Earnings are for full-time wage and salary workers.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey (2018).

Data compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor for Unemployment by Educational Attainment

Percentage of Youth (Ages 16-24) Not Enrolled in School Who Are Unemployed, By Educational Attainment (October 2019)

Educational Attainment

% Unemployed



Less Than A Highschool Diploma


High School Graduate, No College


Some College or Associates Degree


Bachelor's Degree or Higher




Less Than A Highschool Diploma


High School Graduate, No College


Some College or Associates Degree


Bachelor's Degree or Higher


Active Projects

Virtual event planned for 2021 designed to recruit and provide networking opportunities for service providers in workforce and soft skill development, inclusive of employers with training opportunities such as internships, journeymen, and certifications. The Employment Roundtable will be working with crossover opportunities to engage community outreach and recruitment. For example, the CPN strives to encourage and facilitate partnerships between employers and outsource training providers such as technical schools and non-profits who are willing to tailor programs based on a skilled labor need.